This is also reinforced during Henry's first day at Two Forks, when she confesses that she was drunk when she welcomed him to the job. In her tower an empty bottle of Tequila can be found in the waste paper basket, as well as an opened bottle on her desk, suggesting this is at least partly true. A note found at Wapiti Station suggests that Delilah has a drinking problem.In an interview with BAFTA Guru in 2018, Cissy Jones mentioned that during development, Delilah was originally going to be named Alice.In an interview with BAFTA Guru in 2017, Cissy Jones stated: "Getting into character for Delilah was just shedding any doubts, or cares, or worries about what people think about you and that's kind of how I did it with Delilah.".At the end of the game when inside Delilah's lookout tower, you see that she was the one who stole the Pork Pond sign.She also scares off a raccoon that Henry attempts to approach near Jonesy Lake by vocally expressing her excitement about finding a word during the events of Day One. She also mentions this over the radio when talking to Henry, commenting on him going out and hiking, while she does crosswords. Delilah likes to do crosswords, with evidence in her lookout tower of two books titled " 1001 Crossword Puzzles" and " Another 1001 Crossword Puzzles".It has been revealed Delilah is not disabled, as during the section of the game where Delilah and Henry's safety is in question, she admits to leaving her lookout to put a replacement radio in the cache box at Cottonwood Creek. Despite working for over a decade, Delilah rarely leaves her lookout.Delilah egregiously enjoys sarcastic humor which is evident in the majority of her more lighthearted dialogue.She also mentions that she has perks of a over a decade of service which include having her food hand delivered rather than having to hike to the supply drop. Delilah mentions that she has been working with the Forest Service for 13 years as of 1989, meaning that she has been working since 1976.Assumed to be born in 1945 or 1946, as she is stated to be 43 years old in 1989 according to the reports at Wapiti Station.Delilah admits to Henry she rarely talks to other lookouts when the two are watching the fire one night.The player never meets Delilah in person, leaving her appearance a mystery. As such, the player has the choice when making discoveries to report to her or not. As the game progresses, increasing doubt is shed on Delilah, her relationship with Henry, her affiliation and what she potentially knows, an example of this is when Delilah intentionally goes past Henry's tower to drop of a new radio instead of delivering it straight to his tower. Henry remains in nearly constant contact with her via radio and can be reached at any time she or Henry starts a conversation or Henry finds something worth reporting to her, except during sections taking place in the cave or when Delilah or Henry decides to stop talking for a period of time, when Delilah is drunk for instance. She is located on Thorofare Lookout on the far north of Henry's tower. is the deuteragonist of Firewatch and the supervisor of Henry, the game's protagonist.